The Team
Get to Know Us
Lance Sayers
Chief Role Man
Lance Sayers is from Altus, Oklahoma, and currently lives in Idaho with his wife and dog. He earned a bachelor’s from Brigham Young University–Idaho in Political Science. He currently works for a nonprofit called Crush the Curve Idaho as the Director of Community Outreach and Medical Partnerships. Lance has always considered himself to be a conservative and active member of the Republican Party. He worked as the Eastern Idaho Field Director for Tommy Ahiquist’s campaign, and he helped three county officials win a tight general election when he worked for the Republican Party of Bannock County. Lance loves to debate and enjoys late night chats about life with his lifelong friends. Above all, he values civility and believes that it’s critical that our nation finds a way to still be bold and firm in our views without fracturing or diminishing friendships with family and friends. Some of Lance’s most powerful and poignant lessons have come from being friends with those he does not ideologically agree with. He’s forever grateful to them and the impact they’ve had on his life.

Logan Longhurst
The Tall One
Logan Longhurst is from northern Utah but currently living in Claremont, California, pursuing a PhD in economics at Claremont Graduate University. He earned a bachelor’s in economics from Brigham Young University–Idaho. Logan loves ultimate frisbee, fantasy, and collecting quotes. (If you ever need a quote, let him know; he can hook you up.) He grew up in a conservative family but has since become more moderate. Logan’s passionate about teaching and hopes to begin a career as an educator, working directly with students and revising our antiquated education system. The quote he tries to live his life by is, “The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.”

Ranae Rudd
Head of Writing and Common Sense
Ranae Rudd is a native of northern Utah. She earned an MFA in fiction from Brigham Young University and a bachelor’s in English from Brigham Young University–Idaho. Ranae’s creative nonfiction has been published in Segullah and Inscape. She has taught composition courses at BYU and Salt Lake Community College, and she currently teaches English at Centerville Junior High. Although she feels she’s still working to define her political beliefs, Pew Research Center‘s Political Typology Quiz identified her as a solid liberal. When Ranae’s not reading, writing, or teaching, she’s perusing Star Wars comics and watching reruns of The Simpsons.
Mosiah Olvera
Future Lawyer and Coca-Cola Addict
Mosiah Olvera was born in Mexico City and raised in Texas. He currently lives in Oklahoma with his wife and two kids. He holds a bachelor’s in Political Science from Brigham Young University–Idaho and is currently pursuing a law degree at the University of Tulsa. Mosiah is bilingual and a football and soccer fan. He’s passionate about helping others through the use of law and government, and he considers himself to be a conservative (but may be too moderate for today’s Rebublican Party). Overall, he works hard to understand both conservative and liberal views. Mosiah thinks himself fortunate to have experienced the American Dream, mainly by having achieved success despite growing up in humble circumstances.

Zachary Beyler
The Getting Stuff Done-er
Zachary Beyler, Zach to his friends, currently lives in Rexburg Idaho. He graduates this summer (2021) with a bachelor’s degree in History and Government Education. The oldest of five children, Zach was raised in a home where politics was far from a topic of discussion. Since experiencing the world, he has developed a view which is a sort of hybrid between conservative and liberal ideologies. Zach thinks that the government has a responsible to help people, but that the government’s scope and power ought to be limited, as well. He enjoys all outdoor activities, especially hiking and rock climbing (but not running), and loves animals, particularly bears and dogs. Upon graduating, he plans to obtain a masters degree in education administration while teaching, before moving into principal positions in secondary education.