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The Civility Initiative is for you; it’s for everyone. So come left- and right-wingers, come political enthusiasts and novices, come boomers and Gen Zers, come pessimists and optimists.

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Real Gold or Fool's Gold

When I look back in history and then look at our current day today, I can't help but wonder, "Where are the Washingtons, Jeffersons,...

The Great Divide

This month I was scrolling through my social media and I came across a video of Savannah, a 12 year old, who came out in a church...

The Dog and the Dragon

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.’" Have you ever heard these...

And That's The Way It Is

By Lee Phillips A quick google search for ‘the most influential news anchor of all time’ will quickly lead one to Ranker @ ...

Expanding Our Morality

We have all had, at one time or another, a major difference in opinion with someone else. Differences of opinion come in all varieties:...

Respect is Earned

I had a conversation recently with a dear friend of mine, and we were discussing where the metaphorical public square is in these times....

Poetry is Power

When I tell my seventh-grade students we’re reading poetry, their response is usually the same: one long, collective groan. I try not to...

To The GOP: Who Are We?

The Republican Party is experiencing a significant identity crisis. Much of this has been encouraged as a result of the past four years...

Minimum Wage is a Crutch

Currently, there is a large push in the realm of US politics concerning minimum wage. Some on the left are pushing for various dollar...

The Idea of Versus

By Courtney Bassett Apple vs. Android. GIF vs JIF. Republican vs Democrat. We live in a society that perpetuates the idea of versus. We...

In Defense of Grey

By Sean Coletti In the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, the character Cecily worries aloud about a character named...

What are we? Four?

We’ve all heard it. We’ve all seen it. We’ve all said it. “He did it too,” or “She started it.” As any adult would know, this is a...

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