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The Civility Initiative is for you; it’s for everyone. So come left- and right-wingers, come political enthusiasts and novices, come boomers and Gen Zers, come pessimists and optimists.

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Mental Health and Poverty

By Sarah Beck What does mental health have to do with poverty, and why does it disproportionately affect minority groups? I remember the...

The Dog and the Dragon

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.’" Have you ever heard these...

Poetry is Power

When I tell my seventh-grade students we’re reading poetry, their response is usually the same: one long, collective groan. I try not to...

Moderation in Modern Politics

By Micah Cozzens In the social media frenzy following the Capitol Riots on January 6th, 2021, I didn’t see many responses I would...

Polarization and Dehumanization

By Veronika Tait Current tensions between liberals and conservatives are high. The past two decades have shown large shifts away from...

The Most Important Step

Hello World, I hope you’ve read our opening letter of why we, the snowflakes, feel like we want to write about the political realm that...

To the Fatigued and Weary

Well here we are. Another election behind us, another day in the pandemic, another day of worrying about school closures, job security,...

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